Thursday 14 July 2016

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Story :- The Hare and the Tortoise

Once a Hare and a Tortoise were friends. The Hare was proud of his powers, as he was a good runner. The Tortoise had a slow pace.
One day the hare  said to the tortoise , ‘‘What fun it will be if we run a race!
‘‘Let us try , replied the tortoise , and they started.
The hare got away swiftly . But after running half a mile he said to himself , ‘‘Why should I hurry? I shall take a little rest. That lazy fellow is a long way behind.
The hare lay down to rest. He soon fell into a sound sleep. The tortoise went on slowly but steadily ; and in time he reached the sleeping hare. He passed on quietly to the goal as fast as he  could. Just as the tortoise reached the winning –post, the hare awoke. He again began the race. To his shame the hare found that he was beaten in the race by a mere tortoise.
Moral :-  Slow ans Steady wins the race.

About Unknown

Hi, My Name is Faraz Amjad Sheikh. I am a student. My hobby is reading, writing and collecting facts,jokes, latest news.