Thursday 14 July 2016

5 Things Can't be Recovered

5 things we can't recover:

1- A stone after it is thrown.
2- A Word after it is said.
3- The time after it is gone.
4- Trust after it is lost.
5- An Occasion after it is missed.
Published: By: Unknown - 09:28

Friday, the King of all Days

The day when the angels are standing at the door of Masjids, to record who comes first for prayer.

"O Blessed Soul, will you let them record your name?"
                                                            -Umm Umer Khaled
Published: By: Unknown - 09:23

Story :- The Hare and the Tortoise

Once a Hare and a Tortoise were friends. The Hare was proud of his powers, as he was a good runner. The Tortoise had a slow pace.
One day the hare  said to the tortoise , ‘‘What fun it will be if we run a race!
‘‘Let us try , replied the tortoise , and they started.
The hare got away swiftly . But after running half a mile he said to himself , ‘‘Why should I hurry? I shall take a little rest. That lazy fellow is a long way behind.
The hare lay down to rest. He soon fell into a sound sleep. The tortoise went on slowly but steadily ; and in time he reached the sleeping hare. He passed on quietly to the goal as fast as he  could. Just as the tortoise reached the winning –post, the hare awoke. He again began the race. To his shame the hare found that he was beaten in the race by a mere tortoise.
Moral :-  Slow ans Steady wins the race.
Published: By: Unknown - 08:26

Story :- Shaikh Chilli

Sheikh chilli was one day carrying a basket full of eggs to sell in the market. On the way he said himself, “I shall get a good sum of money for these eggs. With this money I shall buy hens. The hens will have chickens, and they will become many in number. I shall make a good fortune out of them. Soon I shall be one of the richest merchants of the town.
He went on thinking, “I will marry a rich wife. Then I shall have children. If my wife and children do not obey me, I shall be angry. They will try to please me. When they come near me, I shall kick them thus.
So saying he kicked the air. In doing so he took his hands off the basket. The Basket fell on the ground, and the eggs lay broken in a heap.
Moral :- It is useless to build castles in the air.
Published: By: Unknown - 08:21

Story : The Mercury and the Woodcutter

Many, many years ago a wood-cutter was cutting down a tree on the bank of a river. His axe fell into the water and he was very sad. While he was sitting sadly, Mercury came there and asked, “Why are you sad ?
I have let my axe fall into the river, “said the woodcutter.
The god leaped into the water and brought out a golden axe. But the woodcutter said, “It is not mine.
The second time the god brought out a silver axe. This too he refuses to take.
For the third time the god dived, and brought back the iron axe. When the woodcutter saw this, he shouted, “There, that’s my axe!
But the god said, “You have not tried to deceive me. Take your own axe and also the other two. They are your reward for honesty.
Moral : Honesty is the best policy.
Published: By: Unknown - 08:18

Story :- Rhinoceros and Calf

Black rhinoceros live in the mountainous rain forests and grassy scrub lands of Africa.

Rhinos eat leaves, twigs, and branches of plants.

Although they cannot see very well, they have good senses of hearing and smell.

There skin is thick and though.

A bird called a tick bird eats insects off the rhino's rugged skin. This helps to keep it clean.

A baby rhino is called a calf.

A calf is protected by its mother.

A mother rhino can be very dangerous if her calf is threatened.

Because rhinos are hunted for their horns, there are only about fifteen thousand in the world today.

Illegal hunting must be stopped so that these creatures can survive.
Published: By: Unknown - 08:15

Essay: The Cow

The cow is a useful animal. She gives us milk and we get buttercreamcheesecurd from her. These things make us very healthy. Cow has four legs and one tail. Her bones are used for making toys, combs and handle of knives. Her skin is used for making shoes and boots we wear. Her meat is eaten by many people all over the world. Shes a great blessing to humanity.
Published: By: Unknown - 08:12